5 free things to do on a rainy holiday

5 free things to do on a rainy holiday

So you thought you’d escape for a day or two and get some sunshine? Well, Mother Nature had other ideas, and now you’re stuck indoors while it’s absolutely bucketing down with rain outside.

We’ve all been there, my friend – so try not to let it get you down. Hopefully the weather will clear in a couple of hours and you can get on with the serious business of holidaying. In the meantime, here are some free things you can do inside on a rainy holiday…

1. Board/card games

Games are always a great way to pass the time on a rainy day. The best hostels often have board games available, so you could play an epic game of Monopoly or something with your friends or family. Or someone is bound to have some cards handy.

2. Online games

If board games aren’t your thing or you’re travelling alone, you could download some games to play until the rain stops. Or you could play some games online – I know online casino sites like Jackpotland, for instance, has a bunch of free online gambling games for you to hone your skills before you hit the Blackjack or Poker tables later.

3. Do your holiday research

It’s not going to rain forever. Sooner or later you will be able to get on with your holiday, so make use of your time stuck indoors to do a little online research. Taking into account the amount of time you have left on your holiday, what are the things you absolutely must see and do? Start planning your tourism itinerary.

4. Blogging

Speaking from experience, it can be awfully hard to find time to blog when you’re travelling. There’s just so much to see and do, and often the last thing you want to do is waste time behind your computer screen. But on a rainy day you’ve got nothing but time to waste – so get blogging, bloggers!

5. Netflix

Okay, so it’s not strictly “free”, but assuming you already have a Netflix account (who doesn’t these days?), a rainy day will give you a good excuse to catch up with the latest flicks, or you can binge-watch the latest TV series that everyone has been going on about.

Personally, I like to choose my entertainment based on where I’m going on holiday. For instance, before I headed to Hawaii I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall, because that’s where it’s set. Perhaps you could watch a movie or TV series based where you’re holidaying.

About Simon Petersen 506 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.