My Taco Travel Count

In case you weren’t paying attention to me on Twitter (shame on your name!), I’ve recently returned from a two-week vacation in the good old US of A, and a one-week cruise in the Caribbean.

During that time, I took in many wondrous sights, did numerous fun and exciting activities, drank an Olympic-size swimming pool worth of craft beer (you can read about that over at my beer blog, Best Beer HQ), and ate precisely 32 tacos.

How do I know I had that many tacos? Because I was keeping count. From Houston to Miami, Jamaica to the Cayman Islands, I kept a tally of all the delicious tacos I ate, because I’m a self-confessed tacoholic. Obviously.

It started out because Texas is the home of such Tex-Mex specialities, but then blossomed into a full-on obsession over the trip. Luckily, in America, you’re never far from a taco stand or Tex-Mex cantina, and apparently Taco Tuesday is an actual thing over there, so we’d often get them two-for-one on those days.

The best tacos I had were the swordfish ones in Fort Lauderdale, but all 32 were lovely in their own special delicious way. Here’s a few pics of the many tacos I ate during my travels… 🌮

About Simon Petersen 506 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.

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