How to Pack Your Clothes for Travel: A Guide

How to Pack Your Clothes for Travel: A Guide

Travelling can be a very exciting time, especially for those who are ready to get on the road and explore new places, see new things, and meet new people. However, packing is just one of those essentials that is difficult to avoid and can also be a nightmare for some, especially when left to the last minute.

If you are someone who likes to take a lot of options wherever you go, or perhaps you are going to travel for a long period, you will most likely want to know how you can pack the most stuff in the smallest amount of space.

This piece is going to show you how.

1. Get Rolling 

Thanks to Marie Kondo, many of us are now aware of the impressive effects of rolling up our clothes to make the most of the space we have. If you are not well versed in this technique, then this is something you should add to your packing repertoire. Rolling up clothes such as pants, socks, t-shirts, and jeans helps to make the garment as small as possible while avoiding excess creasing and giving you more space in your luggage.

Rolling up clothes where you can gives space to items that are not able to be rolled up such as shoes, toiletries, and other accessories.

2. Invest in Some Packing Cubes 

Packing cubes are the next best invention when it comes to organizing your packing for travel. They are worth the money if you want something that will compact your clothes even smaller than they already can go by themselves.
Packing cubes work by compacting your clothes to their ultimate capacity and can keep them in designated categories. No more tearing up your suitcase to try and find the t-shirts – every section can have a cube so you know where everything is.

3. Super Shrink Your Products

There is a reason that travel-sized products exist. Not only is this so you can take liquids in hand luggage if you need to, but no one needs to be carrying around full-sized shampoo and conditioner bottles in their suitcase. Unless you are traveling for over a month somewhere where there is not a supermarket, save yourself the space and get your toiletries on the other side. You can then discard them or give them to someone else before you leave if you have not used them up.

4. Keep it Crease Free

Sometimes rolling and folding clothes up is not a goer, especially if it is a suit or an outfit that needs to look pristine. In this case, invest in some plastic hangers from, which can help you keep your clothes upright and easy to transfer from one place to the next. 

Hangers are also great to have on hand if you are traveling, so you can hang all of your clothes up at your destination to get those kinks out, and have easier access to everything you have brought with you.

About Simon Petersen 508 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.