Planning Your Next Big Getaway

Planning Your Next Big Getaway

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As the new year fast approaches, many of us are turning our minds to next year’s getaways. It’s always best to be organised and getting a good idea of what kind of trip you want to take will mean you’re ahead of the game and keep an eye out for great deals and offers when the sales arrive.

Now, some will know exactly where they want to go and exactly what they want to do when they’re there. Some people will have a bucket list. Others will head back to the same place year after year, solely because they know they love a particular spot so much. But if you’re unsure about where to travel, don’t worry. There are so many different places you can head to and so many different experiences to be had!

To help get your imagination going and to give you a few ideas about where you might want to head, here are a few kinds of holidays that many people really enjoy! 

Beach Holidays 

The most standard kind of holiday is a beach holiday. The majority of people want to get away to catch some sun, sea, and sand! This is pretty understandable if you live in a place with less than ideal weather conditions and you just want to experience a period of rest and relaxation that may be the total opposite to your day to day working life.

While this is a common kind of holiday to take and chances are you’ve been on one of these holidays already, it’s a good idea to know the basics when it comes to booking and heading away to ensure you get exactly what you’re looking for.

If you’re travelling with kids, you’re probably best off looking at family resorts. These are hotels that will generally have a pool and lots of activities to keep your little ones entertained. There may be sports activities, classes, creches, and more. There are also likely to be plenty of other families around, so your kids will have lots of company and people to play with. People are also more likely to be tolerant of your little ones’ behaviour in terms of splashing, being noisy, and generally having a good time.

If you aren’t travelling with kids and you want something a little more quiet, you can opt for over 18s resorts, where there won’t be children around. Another note to keep in mind when booking a beach holiday is to ensure that you do your research into where you’re going. Different places experience different seasons and weather conditions at different times of the year. In some parts of the world, weather may be a lot more extreme at times than where you live.

Avoid travelling to “beach holiday destinations” during particularly wet seasons, hurricane seasons, or seasons where you’re unlikely to get what you’re looking for. On the other end of the scale, you may want to avoid during peak summer in particularly hot locations, as you may find it gets too hot to enjoy yourself outdoors. 


Sure, lounging in the sun can be nice and you’re likely to head home with a glowing tan, but if you’re looking for something a little more active, you may want to try a “winter holiday”. Ski resorts, snowboarding resorts, and other winter resorts provide the perfect getaway for those who are looking for something out of the ordinary. There are so many destinations out there to choose from!

All you need to look for is a resort with the right weather. Ski resorts tend to be located in the mountains, so may take a bit more travelling to get to, but once you’re there, you can settle down and enjoy your stay. You don’t need to worry too much if you have absolutely no skiing experience. These resorts will often have classes and tutors who will be able to show you the basics. Many teach children, so they can definitely teach you too!

The majority of resorts will also have equipment hire, so you don’t have to worry too much about buying all of your own ski gear. This can cut costs and reduce the amount you have to pack into your suitcase.

Remember, ski holidays aren’t purely about skiing. Many people will hit the slopes for a few hours, then wind down and enjoy a drink like a hot chocolate in little chalets with stunning mountain views. If this is the kind of get away you’re looking for, take a look at Flyer Diaries! 


If you want a full experience of the outdoors, you might want to try camping out! Chances are you’ve camped at some point or another in your life. Many of us will have been camping when we were younger, or as part of a brownies or scouts excursion. But you can always go camping as an adult too!

This can be an extremely fun trip that allows you to immerse yourself in the outdoors – a space that many of us find ourselves drawn away from with hectic home lives, social schedules, and indoor jobs. Of course, if you’re going on a camping holiday, you’re going to want to go when the weather is fair. Choose a date that’s likely to be warm and dry – probably the summer.

You should also decide where you’re camping in advance, as you’ll probably have to book a plot of land on a campsite to use. Avoid camping in areas where you don’t have permission to set up a tent and stay. You also need to pack properly for this trip. Take along a first aid kit, good walking boots, shelter and other supplies.

On top of this, it’s a good idea to be up to date with safety advice, including avoiding putting heating supplies or BBQs inside tents and how to safely put out a campfire.

These, of course, are just a few different options you have when it comes to options for your next holiday. There are plenty more out there! But hopefully, this has got the ball rolling and will help to make choosing your next trip a little easier and more exciting!

About Simon Petersen 506 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.